TPB "Secret Sauce"

Was feeling a little like a Real Food Failure this week. Not up to the "Challenge" at all ... and then I came up with "TPB Secret Sauce Spaghetti" and now I'm back on track!!

My kids were intrigued by the name and ATE IT UP. I was psyched by a healthy dinner prepped in minutes!!!
What did I do?

LITERALLY threw 3/4 of my box from this week -- peppers, onions, zucchini and squash -- on the cutting board. Then I ROUGHLY chopped (5 minutes) everything and tossed it nto a pan with some olive oil. Cooked all those veggies for a few minutes (5 maybe) and then put them in a saucepot with a JAR (don't tell - this is the secret part for moms!) of spaghetti sauce and let it simmer for 10 minutes.

Last I took my immersion blender and WENT TO TOWN!  This turned it a delicious-looking group of veggies into a SECRET sauce that a 5, 8 and 11 year old would gobble down!


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