Help us feed the bees!
Honey bees play an important role in pollinating many of the fruits and vegetables in your Produce Box, and the bees are in trouble as their food sources shrink and the world population grows. Quite simply, bees do not have access to all the pollen and nectar sources that they need to survive and we in turn, need the bees to grow our food.
Since bees are so important to our agriculture and farmers (and you!), The Produce Box pledged our support by partnering with the Bayer Crop Science national Feed A Bee program to help plant 50 MILLION flowers to feed the bees this year.
The Feed a Bee initiative will create forage areas with a diversity of bee-attractant plants for honey bees. And you can help!
We will include free wildflower seed packets in every Box delivered next week to feed the bees in North Carolina.
We are also educating and helping our farmers to plant wildflowers around their crops to attract and feed the bees. This is a win-win because the bees provide the necessary pollination for the farmers’ crops and the farmers’ provide the flower food for the bees.

The world population is expected to grow to over 9 billion people requiring 70 percent more food by 2050. Bees are working harder and need more food and more food diversity than ever before. Together, we can help the honey bee population survive and thrive. Look for the seed packet in your box and get planting!
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