LOCAL LOVE February Giveaway!

Cold and snow, then rain and muggy... we're dreaming of summer already!  And those summer berries!

Well dream no more!  As part of our February LOCAL LOVE giveaways, we have 3 jars of TPB BLUEBERRY JAM for 3 lucky TPB members!
SImply leave a comment on this blog post with your best guess on HOW MANY varieties of blueberries can be grown in North Carolina... we'll pick 3 winners at 5 pm tomorrow to get our JAM in their next Produce Box!


  1. Three: Highbush, Southern Highbush, and Rabbiteye

  2. There are 13 varieties in NC. The best ones are the big, round sweet ones that burst in your mouth! :)

  3. There are 13 varieties Native to NC. My favorite though are any big, round blueberries that burst in your mouth!

  4. 3 varieties of blueberries. Can't wait for blueberry season!!

  5. I believe there are 3

  6. I am going to go with the popular answer and say 13 as well. My favorite are the small organic ones, I cook with them and make really yummy shakes! So good!

  7. My bid is 12.5, just to keep things "Price Is Right" style :)

  8. I believe the correct answer is 3

  9. I don't know how many varieties there are, but I never ate a blueberry I didn't like.

  10. I would say there are 13 varieties of Blueberries that are native to NC.

  11. Alright - got myself in a pickle with that one! There are TWO right answers! There are actually 14 varieties of WILD blueberry species native to NC -- BUT ONLY THREE GROWN COMMERCIALLY! So -- I put every comment (and our two from FB) in a hat and MARYA, VEGGIES LOVER AND MELISSA NELSON were our winners!!! Shoot me a note at kristin@theproducebox.com so I have your Produce Box e-mail account and we'll get that jam in your next box!


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