Grilled Romaine

I know, I know, this sounds insane.  It's not.

Putting the lettuce on the grill adds a nice smoky flavor..

Preheat the grill, brush the grill plates with olive oil.

I washed a head of romaine.

I placed it directly on the grill and turned it every 1-2 minutes.

Remove from grill, let cool.

I typically peel off the top layer of lettuce as it is brown.  But if yours isn't, eat it!

Cut the end off.  If the center is large, you can pull that out as sometimes that part is bitter.

If not, just chop up romaine.

Place in bowls.

I then added some nice pieces of Calvander (from the Chapel Hill Creamery) to the top, and cracked black pepper over it.

We both poured balsamic dressing over the top and wolfed it down.



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